The following essay is also my column in next week's Advertising Age.
Real-time + Face Time = the New Primetime
One of the realities of the modern era and the age of continuous information streams is that consumers now expect, rather than simply demand, that their needs be addressed in real time. One of my former colleagues summed this up best by calling the phenomenon "The Baby Monitor Principle."
The basic premise is that once an infant knows a baby monitor is in a room and comprehends what it does, he/she begins to use it to their advantage. Babies somehow understand that when they cry, mom or dad will come running to save the day. So they cry some more.
In the digital space, a similar metaphor rings true. Savvy consumers now are well aware that companies are listening in to their conversations on Twitter and Facebook. And some are using it to their advantage. They know that if they're vocal enough and find a community of like minded individuals, brands will eventually have to cater to their needs. Business has evolved by establishing robust digital embassies on platforms like Twitter.
It's not just social media, however, that's encouraging companies to live a far more dynamic existence than they're accustomed to. In many ways, it's also the new mobile services, some social, that are arming consumers with essential real-time information. and changing our behaviors and expectations.
Consider Red Laser, a popular iPhone application that is owned by eBay (an Edelman client). Red Laser gives consumers the ability to scan bar codes to find cheaper prices. There are countless other apps available for all platforms. As tools like Red Laser become more popular, it's conceivable that retailers will have to empower their personnel at the point of sale to be more nimble in approving just-in-time pricing.
Not sitting on their laurels, retailers are already wisely responding to such empowered consumers by dangling equally attractive alternatives. Macy's, Sports Authority and Best Buy (also an Edelman client), for example, all are aggressively promoting ShopKick. This new platform rewards customers with savings and rewards for using their phones when they are physically in a store or shopping mall.
However, the war doesn't end there. This may end up a game of whack-a-mole as new real-time services continually emerge.
One such technology is LucyPhone, a web site that lets you bypass one of the joys of life - waiting on hold for customer service. Simply dial a consumer 1-800 hotline via LucyPhone, then disconnect the call once you're placed into the holding carousel and they will dial you back once a real human joins the call.
Lastly there's Google Instant - a controversial new offering from the search giant that alters your results in real-time with every letter you type. This immediate feedback mechanism is sure to alter search behaviors over time, forcing marketers to constantly look at how they pivot their content and ads.
Queen Rania of Jordan once said that "real time is the new primetime." And she's right. Business must aspire to operate in real-time, or come as close to it as they possibly can. However, this is just the beginning. Enter face time.
Despite all of the wonders of the modern age that we live in, technology has not diminished the need for human interaction. We still like to see who we're talking to and how they physically react to our questions and concerns.
The coming years will usher in a gaggle of new devices that bring face-to-face communication to our pockets and bring back in vogue. Apple's FaceTime, for example, is a new video communication standard that the company is looking to make available across a number of devices.
The moral of the story here is that every business today must try to catch up to consumers by becoming one that loves living in real time. At the same time, organizations also need to being to stay one step ahead of their customers by leveraging emerging face-to-face technologies before others do.
This two-fisted combo - real-time plus face-time - is the new primetime.
Photo credit: Chris Lamphear via
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