Thursday, November 11, 2010

Where to find Make: Ultimate Workshop and Tool Guide 2011

Secret sauce for your workshop, and smart gifts for the makers on your list — you'll be smitten with our new special issue, Make: Ultimate Workshop & Tool Guide 2011. So where can you find it? And what if you're a MAKE subscriber?


Make: Ultimate Workshop and Tool Guide 2011 is displayed prominently in bookstores and newsstands across the U.S. and Canada, including Barnes & Noble, Borders, Books-a-Million, Chapters, Walden, Dalton, and many smaller chains and independent bookstores and newsstands. This special issue can also be found in select displays at Micro Center, Home Depot Canada, Lowe's Canada, London Drug, and Shopper's Drug Mart in Canada.

It's also available for order online directly from the Maker Shed ( in two flavors: the print edition and a PDF digital edition too.

MAKE subscribers won't receive this special issue as part of their annual 4-issue subscription — but we are offering subscribers special discounts on both the print and digital editions of this special guide. So keep an eye on your email inbox for subscriber deals on these and other products from Maker Shed.

Happy workshopping!

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